RFID | AutoID | Internet of Things IOT | Automatic Vehicle Identification | Electronic Vehicle Registration

17.04.2016 -

UHF is the Only Way Forward for RFID in the Automotive Industry


In the long term, UHF RFID will replace existing RFID applications because of its greater function range and superior performance.

Intelligent data generated by smart RFID solutions forms a crucial part of efficient, transparent processes. To achieve this, the use of innovative UHF technology is essential, maintains Emre Gürbüz, from Kathrein RFID. UHF offers not only a significantly greater function range, for example identifying sources of interference or enabling direction recognition, says the Sales Manager, but also has the potential to enable a crossenterprise data flow. “Only when all relevant stages of production are supported by UHF RFID can the potential of the technology achieve 100 per cent – including processes between companies,” says Emre Gürbüz.


Text (RFID im Blick)

Image (REHAU AG + Co.)

Download as pdf (April 2015 | en)

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